Forty two boys and six staff headed south to the Apple Isle for the first week of last year’s September school holidays. Overall, the boys represented the NBCA proudly, travelling to and performing for audiences in Launceston, Orford, Triabunna and Hobart. Workshops were run with the school communities at Launceston Grammar School and St Virgil’s College in Hobart and new friendships were forged along the way. At their performances, the NBCA was met with enthusiasm, much applause, standing ovations and fond interest from local radio and television. The boys were given the rare opportunity to perform for The Governor of Tasmania, Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Kate Warner AC in the Hobart Government House Ballroom. Her Excellency enjoyed the performance (in her words: ‘spine-tingling’), as did the audience who were able to secure limited tickets to this exclusive event.
Before the performance, the boys took morning tea with the Governor. For touring chorister Oliver Richardson, it was a lifetime opportunity to discuss his family’s connection with Government House. One of his great, great uncles – Edward Lord – served as Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania in 1810.
Annual tours provide choristers with invaluable opportunities to tour outside the Melbourne choir community, such as developing their interpersonal skills and independence while connecting with the locals.