Blakely McLean Davies
The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s 2012 season commenced earlier this month at the Melbourne Town Hall with a performance of Missa Solis by Nigel Westlake. This beautiful requiem was written as a tribute following the tragic death of Westlake’s son Eli in 2008. Blakely McLean Davies was the treble soloist, singing in two of the eight movements. It is hoped that the performance will be released on CD shortly as part of the MSO Live series.
The MSO premiered Missa Solis in February last year with another NBCA chorister, Jordan Janssen, performing as the treble soloist.
See full article here http://www.heraldsun.com.au/entertainment/heartfelt-music-to-honour-a-young-life/story-e6frf96f-1226286421886