2018 was the year where the NBCA witnessed its largest group of retiring choristers. It’s a sign of the times and the lucky times in which we live. Good food, great living conditions and lifestyle seem to be contributing to voice-change at a younger age when compared to previous years. This then influences choristers to make the most of their time with the NBCA before they reach the inevitable reality of voice-change. The occasion brings much sadness for those choristers; some accept their ‘time’ while some grip onto those last dwindling months before it really is ‘time to retire’. Thirty two Performing Choir choristers said their farewells to the NBCA at the Christmas Concert, receiving their golden handshake and the invitation to return to perform in the Men’s Choir in years to come. Therefore, their time with the NBCA really doesn’t end. The NBCA wishes the 2018 retiring choristers the very best in your futures post-choir and we look forward to welcoming you all back in the Men’s Choir in the years to come.